What Supplements Should I Avoid When Trying to Conceive?

When trying to conceive, it is essential to be aware of the potential risks associated with certain habits and supplements such as smoking, overexercising and eating certain fish. Learn more about what supplements you should avoid when trying to conceive.

What Supplements Should I Avoid When Trying to Conceive?

When trying to conceive, it is essential to be aware of the potential risks associated with certain habits and supplements. Smoking can increase your risk of developing cancer and can also lead to early menopause and infertility. Women should avoid cigarettes at all costs, and men should also quit the habit. Although the effects of smoking on male fertility are not as clear, research suggests that it may compromise sperm structure and function.

Fortunately, sperm production is dynamic, so if your partner quits smoking today, the damage caused by smoking can be reversed in three months. It is also important to avoid overexercising when trying to conceive. While moderate exercise can shorten the amount of time it takes to conceive, vigorous, high-intensity workouts can have the opposite effect. Extreme exercise can cause severe weight loss and hormonal changes, which can lead to irregular or absent menstrual periods. Fish is an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids, which promote fetal brain development.

However, some fish contain high levels of mercury, which can harm a baby's developing brain and reduce the chances of becoming pregnant.

Avoid fish

with high levels of mercury such as swordfish, whitefish, mackerel and sharks. Check out advice from the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists about the healthiest seafood options for women who are pregnant or could become pregnant. Taking the right supplements at the conception stage can help your body stay in top shape and promote fertility. Doctors used to tell women to take folic acid as soon as they became pregnant.

Now, experts suggest starting to take a prenatal vitamin with 400 micrograms of folic acid before trying to have a baby. This important nutrient prevents spinal defects in growing babies. It's important to note that while supplementing with certain vitamins and minerals can help fill nutritional gaps, supplements aren't meant to replace a healthy eating plan and lifestyle.