What supplements do not work well together?

It's also important to know which vitamins should not be taken together. These are supplements that don't combine with, or don't combine with, foods.

What supplements do not work well together?

It's also important to know which vitamins should not be taken together. These are supplements that don't combine with, or don't combine with, foods. Many people like to take magnesium at night, as it can promote a sense of calm and promote muscle relaxation. But if you take magnesium, Erin Stokes, North Dakota, recommends not taking it at the same time as the multivitamin, as it could interfere with the absorption of the smaller minerals found in the multivitamin, such as iron and zinc.

In addition, he recommends refraining from taking calcium, magnesium or zinc together, as they will “compete for absorption”. Whether you're taking a daily multivitamin to improve your overall health or you're relying on herbal supplements to fill nutritional deficiencies, it's important to be aware of potential interactions. Some research suggests that oral contraceptives may increase melatonin levels and thus increase the effects and potential adverse effects of melatonin supplements. If you're taking copper supplements because of copper deficiency, avoid taking zinc at the same time, says Dr.

People take vitamin C supplements for a number of reasons, including to help fight infections, reduce pain after surgery, or lower blood pressure. Some supplements can have negative interactions with medications you need to take before, after, or during surgery, and you may need to change your regimen for the time being. However, if you mix it with green tea, black tea, or curcumin supplements, the body won't absorb the mineral. Dr.

Robert Glatter, assistant professor of emergency medicine at Northwell Health, in New York City, should be wary of over-the-counter or prescription medications that can adversely interact with supplements.

Iron deficiency, or anemia, prevents this process, causing fatigue and making it necessary to supplement with iron.

However, green tea has health benefits, so feel free to drink it, just do it in moderation, and wait two hours after taking an iron supplement. Iron supplements are generally recommended for people who have iron-deficiency anemia, cancer, and certain gastrointestinal disorders, as well as for pregnant women. For example, sometimes the ingredients in certain supplements can alter laboratory tests or have negative effects during surgery.

People who work or exercise in humid climates or who have digestive problems may lack potassium; if you need to take both supplements, be sure to space them out a few hours, she advises. The effects of supplements vary from person to person and depend on many variables, such as type, dosage, frequency of use, and interactions with current medications. If you are taking any type of supplement or combination of supplements and are experiencing any negative side effects, you should stop using the supplement and consult a healthcare provider.