How Long Should You Wait to See Results from Taking Health Supplements?

Learn how long should you wait for health supplement results depending on why you are taking them. Consult with your healthcare provider before taking any health supplements.

How Long Should You Wait to See Results from Taking Health Supplements?

When it comes to taking health supplements, the best advice is to give them time to work within your system. Generally, it takes four to six weeks for optimal results. However, the amount of time you should wait depends on why you are taking the supplements in the first place. If you have been diagnosed with a vitamin deficiency, it may take up to three months of consistent supplementation to correct it.

If you are taking supplements as a precautionary measure, you may not need to wait as long. It is essential to consult with your healthcare provider before taking any supplements, especially if you are taking any medications or other dietary supplements or if you have any health conditions. High-dose vitamin B supplements should only be taken if recommended by your healthcare provider. Additionally, talk to your healthcare provider about calcium, bone health, and heart disease to determine what's right for you. When it comes to vitamin D supplements, it is best to talk to your healthcare provider to decide if you need one and in what amount.

Studies have found that people who use supplements more often tend to have a higher level of education and income, a healthier lifestyle, and a greater chance of following a healthy diet and exercising. It is not recommended that you take vitamin and mineral supplements instead of following a nutritious diet. However, taking a general “broad-spectrum” vitamin and mineral supplement “just in case” poses little health risk and may benefit a person whose diet is restricted and lacks variety. MedlinePlus provides good health information for health professionals and consumers from the National Institutes of Health and other reliable sources on hundreds of diseases and conditions. They also have a registry of dietary supplements and medications that you can use to keep track of dietary supplements and medications you take, so that you can share this information with your healthcare provider. If your child needs additional iron in their diet, their healthcare provider is the best person to help you determine if they need a supplement. Under the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994, the manufacturer of dietary supplements is responsible for ensuring that a dietary supplement is safe before it is marketed. If you take medications and also plan to take dietary supplements, talk to your healthcare provider first and be aware of any side effects or problems.

Always tell your healthcare providers (including doctors, pharmacists and dieticians) what dietary supplements you are taking so they can discuss what is best for your overall health. Biotin deficiency can cause rashes, hair loss and brittle nails, hence the belief that taking additional biotin will produce healthier skin, thick hair and strong nails. Remember to report any complementary medications (including vitamin and mineral supplements) you are taking when you visit a health professional. In conclusion, it is important to consult with your healthcare provider before taking any health supplements. Depending on why you are taking them, it may take four to six weeks for optimal results or up to three months for vitamin deficiencies. Additionally, always tell your healthcare providers what dietary supplements you are taking so they can discuss what is best for your overall health.